Blog Entries - Jul. 2018

The Dancing Clothespins
The Dancing Clothespins 7/23/18 The other day while doing laundry in my musty basement, I thought that I should look for the clothespins and clothesline I had bought when I moved into this house 25 years ago. The...

An Amish Tea Party
Amish Tea Party Blog 7/9/2018 This weekend my friend Tweety and I put on a tea party for eight Amish women and...

The Elusive Peach Season
It is almost peach season. I am always searching for the perfect peach. The first bite through the fuzzy slightly bitter skin into its tender sweet flesh should be nectar sweet, and so juicy that its sweet liquid ...

Hot Summer Day
Today is a very hot summer’s day. I enjoy watering my garden and the potted geraniums I grow on the porch. We live in a house that was built in 1905. Most of the residents that lived here before us never knew...